Our Purpose

Installing Happiness

Our purpose is to generate happiness for our customers and ourselves through an extraordinary customer experience that inspires all of us to tell the world.

Core Values

Core Values

  • 1. Strategic & Visionary
  • 2. Have Fun
  • 3. Integrity - truthful in word and deed
  • 4. Nimble & Adaptable
  • 5. Everyone Wins Together


Shine Solar

Logo 1 - Color


Download Icon SVG Download Icon PNG - Small Download Icon PNG - Large
Logo 1 - White


Download Icon SVG Download Icon PNG - Small Download Icon PNG - Large
Logo 2 - Color


Download Icon SVG Download Icon PNG - Small Download Icon PNG - Large
Logo 2 - White


Download Icon SVG Download Icon PNG - Small Download Icon PNG - Large

Shine Home Energy Solutions

Logo 1 - Color


Download Icon SVG Download Icon PNG - Small Download Icon PNG - Large
Logo 1 - White


Download Icon SVG Download Icon PNG - Small Download Icon PNG - Large
Logo 2 - Color


Download Icon SVG Download Icon PNG - Small Download Icon PNG - Large
Logo 2 - White


Download Icon SVG Download Icon PNG - Small Download Icon PNG - Large

Shine Air

Logo 1 - Color


Download Icon SVG Download Icon PNG - Small Download Icon PNG - Large
Logo 1 - White


Download Icon SVG Download Icon PNG - Small Download Icon PNG - Large
Logo 2 - Color


Download Icon SVG Download Icon PNG - Small Download Icon PNG - Large
Logo 2 - White


Download Icon SVG Download Icon PNG - Small Download Icon PNG - Large













Brand Colors




Other Colors









Type Faces


Download Icon Download Rubik

Primary Typeface: Rubik


Lorem ipsum dolor sit


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam.

Fjalla One

Download Icon Download Fjalla One

Secondary Typeface: Fjalla One


Lorem ipsum dolor


Lorem ipsum dolor sit


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet


Lorem ipsum dolor


Lorem ipsum dolor sit

Type Colors









Icons should be clean and simple line style icons that follow the icon style shown below.

Heater Icon Cash Bulb Icon Bundle of Money Icon House Chart Icon Wallet Icon Coffee Icon Winding Gear Icon Lifesaver Icon Brainstorm Icon Time Flies Icon Notes Home Icon Cash Bulb Icon



Shine photography should capture the emotions and values of the company-Happiness! Our photography should send a clear message that the products and service we offer will add value and happiness to your life.

Solar Sunset - Color
Solar Sunset - Color
Solar Sunset - Orange
Solar Sunset - Color
Solar Sunset - Blue
Solar Sunset - Color
Solar Panel - Color
Solar Panel - Orange
Solar Sunset - Color
Solar Panel - Blue
Solar Mountains - Color
Solar Sunset - Color
Solar Mountains - Orange
Solar Sunset - Color
Solar Mountains - Blue
Solar Sunset - Color
Money Wallet - Color
Solar Sunset - Color
Money Wallet - Orange
Solar Sunset - Color
Money Wallet - Blue
Solar Sunset - Color
Insulation - Color
Solar Sunset - Color
Insulation - Orange
Insulation - Blue
Solar Sunset - Color
HVAC Unit - Color
Solar Sunset - Color
HVAC Unit - Light Blue
Solar Sunset - Color
HVAC Unit - Blue
Family 1 - Color
Solar Sunset - Color
Family 1 - Orange
Solar Sunset - Color
Family 1 - Blue
Solar Sunset - Color
Family 2 - Color
Solar Sunset - Color
Family 2 - Orange
Family 2 - Blue
Solar Sunset - Color
Family 3 - Color
Family 3 - Orange
Solar Sunset - Color
Family 3 - Blue
Family 4 - Color
Family 4 - Orange
Solar Sunset - Color
Family 4 - Blue
Girl On Computer - Color
Girl On Computer - Orange
Solar Sunset - Color
Girl On Computer - Blue
Man Watching - Color
Man Watching - Orange
Solar Sunset - Color
Man Watching - Blue
Drone Homes - Color
Drone Homes - Orange
Solar Sunset - Color
Drone Homes - Blue
Solar Home 1 - Color
Solar Home 1 - Orange
Solar Home 1 - Blue
Solar Sunset - Color
Solar Home 2 - Color
Solar Home 2 - Orange
Solar Sunset - Color
Solar Home 2 - Blue
Solar Home 3 - Color
Solar Home 3 - Orange
Solar Sunset - Color
Solar Home 3 - Blue
Solar Home 4 - Color
Solar Home 4 - Orange
Solar Sunset - Color
Solar Home 4 - Blue
Solar Home 5 - Color
Solar Home 5 - Orange
Solar Sunset - Color
Solar Home 5 - Blue
Solar Home 6 - Color
Solar Home 6 - Orange
Solar Sunset - Color
Solar Home 6 - Blue